Tag Archives: Real Estate

Unraveling Real Estate Issues in Divorce

Webinar: Unraveling Real Estate Issues in Divorce

Join us at this upcoming webinar!

Unraveling Real Estate Issues in Divorce, Thursday, July 7, 2016 from 12-2 PM (EST) 

We all need a roof over our heads. Aspiring to own one’s own home is a basic economic goal in our society.  Some couples acquire more than one residence for their families. Their marital estate may include investment property, commercial sites, vacation homes and more. The implications of unraveling ownership interests of various categories of real estate is challenging for divorcing couples. Andrew Samalin, CFP, EA, CDFA,  shares his real estate expertise with you in this webinar. Learn the complexities of this asset class and understand the financial planning opportunities that you have in order to improve settlement options for your clients.


This presentation is intended to give the divorce practitioner a 360 degree view of the financial planning, tax and practical execution aspects of real estate and divorce. We’ll review basic real estate finance, banking requirements for financing and refinancing different property types,characteristics of major real estate categories, their capital composition and their position in the marital portfolio. You’ll become familiar with the tax characteristics of the sale of the marital home including capital gain exclusions, implications of depreciation and depreciation recapture for rental property, vacation homes, practice tips and other topics. It doesn’t attempt to provide all the answers to all the possible permutations available in the tax code as the facts and circumstances of each case are as unique as your clients. This presentation is meant to make you aware of financial planning opportunities with regard to real estate and divorce.


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Andrew Samalin presented at the IDFA National Conference 2016

The Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts (IDFA™) is the premier national organization dedicated to the certification, education and promotion of the use of financial professionals in the divorce arena.

Andrew Samalin presented at IDFA 2016 National ConverenceIDFA Financials and Divorce National Conference focuses on continuing education, networking, and making the most out of your relationship with IDFA. Attendees, speakers, and partners are among the most innovative leaders in the industry who come together to connect and share ideas. This year it was in Chicago.


Andrew Samalin, immediate Past President of the Association of Divorce Financial Planners spoke about how real estate is affected by divorce. Participants learned about:


IDFA Conference 2016 | The Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts (IDFA™) is the premier national organization dedicated to the certification, education and promotion of the use of financial professionals in the divorce arena.

  • The capital stack in real estate and how it affects your position with regard to risk, return, rights and responsibilities
  • How separating the capital stack will help with identifying how to minimize risk of principal – and gain the best settlement possible.
  • The tax ramifications of the family home, rental properties and vacation homes.
  • Splitting properties after a divorce?


Samalin Divorce Finance can help you understand the financial benefits to determine the best use of your cap-ital and your real estate investments.



Andrew Samalin
(914) 666-6600