
Samalin_Icons_divorce_svcDivorce Services

Working as part of your team, Samalin Divorce Finance provides the financial planning, tax, and analytical expertise needed to review the various financial elements that are integral to your divorce. Typical services include the following:

Pre-divorce Analysis


  • Compiling information regarding income, expenses, assets and liabilities
  • Creating a lifestyle analysis
  • Discussing housing options
  • Estimating immediate financial needs
  • Preparing statements of net worth
  • Analyzing retirement assets
  • Analyzing maintenance and child support scenarios

Divorce Financial Planning

Divorce Settlement Analysis


  • Reviewing after-tax proposed settlements
  • Estimating maintenance needs
  • Analyzing long-term cash flow and net worth
  • Comparing settlement proposals
  • Developing alternate settlement proposals
  • Analyzing the tax impact of all financial decisions


Post-divorce Services


If we designed your divorce financial plan, it’s likely there won’t be anyone who knows the details better than we do.  It follows that our affiliate, Samalin Investment Counsel, would be a smart choice to execute that plan. Of course, referrals are available for other post-divorce professionals of various fields, including tax preparation, realty, mental health, asset management, etc.


You worked hard to achieve your divorce settlement.  Once the divorce is final, you’ll need assistance making sure that everything you negotiated for is yours. Find out more.


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